Pricing and Placements

Forum Home Page

Single banner area, 235px wide x 235px
Additional height may be available by request at a rate of $10/mo per 50px
maximum height:435px

Exclusive banner: $150/month
1 banner as part of rotation: $60
Current status:
Available, no rotating banners submitted

Forum "Category" and "View Category" Pages

Single banner area, 235px wide x 235px
Additional height may be available by request at a rate of $6/mo per 50px
maximum height:535px

Exclusive banner: $100/month
1 banner as part of rotation: $35
Current status:
"Category": Available, no rotating banners submitted
"View Category": Available, no rotating banners submitted

Forum "Topics", "View Topic" and "Recent Posts" Pages

Multiple banner areas(3), each 235px wide x 235px
Additional height may be available by request at a rate of $5/mo per 50px
maximum height:535px

Static banner: $75/month
1 banner as part of rotation: $30
Current status:
Zone 1: Available, no rotating banners submitted
Zone 2: Available, no rotating banners submitted
Zone 3: Available, no rotating banners submitted

Banner Rotations

Banner rotations on this site are 1 page load = 1 banner load. These are not animated rotations.

Maximum banners in single rotation: 5

Rotations on any page and in any zone begin when a minimum of 3 banners can be added to a zone. Banners placed or reserved as a rotation entity will not be displayed (or billed for) if less than the minimum slots for the zone have been filled.

Banner Specs

Accepted formats: jpg, gif, png

Maximum file size: 45k for standard 235px square
(Higher limits for special order sizes)


Banners must clearly display that they are external advertising by legibly displaying the target site's URL, company name and/or logo within the image.

Submitting banners that don't clearly demonstrate that they are external advertisements will result in new creative being requested and/or a border and "advertisement" text wrapping the image.

Will not alter your banner for any reason, including to make it meet our specs.

We reserve the right to refuse placement of any banner ad for any reason. Reasons for refusal may include, but are not limited to:

  • Profane, lewd or offensive content and/or language.
  • Profane, lewd or offensive content on target website.
  • Target website being listed on any blacklist because of possible security threats.
  • Conflict of interests based on agreements, either written or spoken, with other advertisers.


All payments will be processed through PayPal

Payments must be received before scheduled placement or renewal date or they will be removed/not posted

Contact Us

Please email with any questions or to place, renew or reserve an ad.